I woke Up
The way to fight back is to wake up. To be quicker to forgive than to anger… The people claiming compassion but calling for the eyes of their enemies, would only serve to become tyrants themselves and blind the world further.
The selfishness born from hyper fixating on ourselves and our individual prosperity, serves to make the whole of our collective consciousness weaker and weaker.
There can be no diplomacy or middle ground of peace, when there are tech companies that want to split your attention, take your values, and manipulate you through them. We’ve only been using these apps for ten years and some change. We can choose something better and more connective. We can choose each other, heal the differences.
What initially started as fun, is now a hive of advertisers and corporate interests wanting to take the real estate of your mind and keep it as long as possible. Ask yourself, “Does posting this really serve my purpose of pushing the movement? Or does it enflame others on the platform so that they will stay on the platform and have their minds and emotons manipulated by it further?”
Perhaps it is also to distract you from the career or life you are meant for… just burning your time and life with hours spent on these platforms. I’m on them less than ever, and I urge if you’re lost here to take a long break and find your way back.